Recently I informed a man that Christianity is not part of our ancestral heritage. "How is it not?" he asked. "What, do you think that the Bible took place in Europe? Jesus was an Englishman?" He was informed enough to...
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Lest people think me slothful, my computer has been down. Related to sloth, however, are the effects of an evening of indiscretion. Intoxicating substances were valued and celebrated by our ancestors and by all traditional peoples (even Muslims can have...
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You are about to learn what these things really mean. So help me, you are going to learn. During my brief time at WMU, it brought me great sorrow when people asked what I was studying. I would tell them...
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It's time for more rectification. What I'm about to say is very rarely taught in our schools, yet can be easily verified by anyone. Many people are shocked when I give them this knowledge; some simply deny it. I'm going...
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"The tree bends over, if the roots are hewed from under it." --from The Greenlandish Lay of Atli It's time for me to define what I mean by traditionalist. Many social conservatives and would-be traditionalists believe that "traditionalist" is equivalent...
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Since this blog will be dealing largely with all three of the above, it is time for me to engage in what Confucius called rectification of terms. Headaches are self-explanatory, and are often the result of using the words pagan...
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Hail All my Readers! Welcome to my weblog. The site's purpose is manifold. As a traditionalist, I will write about Tradition in general, and more specifically Teutonic paganism (or heathenry). I will deal with religion, art, politics, philosophy, and life...
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